The opening ceremony was attended by leading figures from national politics, especially the Ministry of Interior Nation , well known international specialists and our country.
The Secretary General of the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires, Javier Mouriño participated the opening of the conference and said to the more than 1,200 attendees to the event "The fervent support of Governor Daniel Scioli to the initiative of President Cristina Fernández to create the Federal Council for Civil Protection and Risk and Emergency Care." In this context, Mouriño transmitted to the Secretary of Provinces of the national portfolio, Luis Ilarregui, the formal commitment of the province to support the creation of this body.
The Secretary General of the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires, Javier Mouriño participated the opening of the conference and said to the more than 1,200 attendees to the event "The fervent support of Governor Daniel Scioli to the initiative of President Cristina Fernández to create the Federal Council for Civil Protection and Risk and Emergency Care." In this context, Mouriño transmitted to the Secretary of Provinces of the national portfolio, Luis Ilarregui, the formal commitment of the province to support the creation of this body.
also on the radio, Mouriño highlighted the "tremendous support" which brought the meeting and said the goal is "to organize to prevent, to organize political having to do with the prevention of risks and, if necessary, be appropriately responsive and effective. " The National
and the Province of Buenos Aires are working to improve the emergency system, with the premise that risk management is a state policy.

The workshops are intended to promote and deepen the notion that the state as principal actor and guarantor of law, is the driver of the risk management process throughout the country, while trying to promote the work of the various actors in the field, deepening the concept of community resilience to disasters. The
These Days will bring together scholars working in risk management at all levels of government (national, provincial, local) and international experts who have performed large-scale events, whose experiences will be helpful to transmit during the event.
is also necessary to highlight the participation in this conference of NGOs, given that they are state actors subsidiary of great importance to the response and / or prevention of emergencies and / or disasters. This is not only a welcome development, but historical, the first formally incorporate the NGO's and civil defense auxiliary within this plan Emergency not only provincial but also national.
is the first time in Argentina, an event of this magnitude, where not only have a technical workshop for civil protection and risk reduction, but also have an impact drill ship that will take place by the Buenos Aires Police and Coastguard Argentina.
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