Monday, November 22, 2010

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Madeleine McCann Case: CLOUD CUCKOO LAND


By Dr Martin Roberts
November 20, 2010

CLOUD CUCKOO LAND * (Being in the clouds)

So, the estimated Isabel Duarte Portuguese lawyer, acting on behalf of the McCann, is moving forward with plans to "appeal the appeal," so to speak.

As Gonçalo Amaral had to present grounds for challenging the court decision that upheld the injunction against him, Duarte must present a sufficient argument as to endorse the original decision to overcome more than just oppose the basis of judicial annulment of that decision. Speaking openly to the press gives the impression of being pretty sure you can do just that. His optimism is based on your point of view that were not taken into account by the judges of the Court of Appeals "fundamental facts." And what could be these "basic facts"? Ms. Duarte kindly enlighten us:

1. Gonçalo Amaral's book was published to make money.

2. Gonçalo Amaral's book inflicted pain and suffering to their customers, McCann.

3. Gonçalo Amaral's book had hampered the search for Madeleine to recreate the hypothesis that Madeleine, in fact, died the night of his disappearance.

should also bear in mind that we're not talking about a professional "loser." Ms. Duarte is an excellent legal representative and a candidate for president of the Portuguese equivalent of our Bar Association. Therefore, any customer is entitled to assume that their knowledge of the Portuguese legislation is complete. To the extent possible, the subtlety of the interpretation should position their defense several degrees above merely use common sense. So what the McCanns to get their money?
Gonçalo Amaral published a book to make money

Who does not? The McCanns have announced their intention to obtain the maximum benefit from their own "version of the truth" in due time. Gonçalo Amaral is not a public information service. Even if it were, would be entitled to recover its costs, no doubt. How was I supposed to do without making money? Even think about public transport services. Buses, trains, etc. carrying passengers, but not before they have bought their tickets.

few years ago I bought my daughter a video "learn to play the flute yourself." Both of us are disappointed to discover that one lesson explained how to "open the box and assemble the instrument." The "fundamental fact" number one of Isabel Duarte is itself so obvious as irrelevant, as many of the archived tracks by PJ before, hardly worth a second look. Really Ms. Duarte is likely that the Portuguese Supreme Court sees it differently?

Gonçalo Amaral's book has brought pain and suffering to the McCann

Here we could be facing a case of double meaning, as that the hypothesis of the death of Madeleine, correct or incorrect, could cause pain to the McCanns of any of the two forms. However, assuming that that assumption is wrong and is painful for that reason, had been painful from the first moment he was brought before the public. Amaral's book was published in Portugal in July 2008. The defamation suit was filed by the McCanns over a year later.

pain and suffering is something that we normally try to relieve as soon as possible. Suffer unduly in time is an indicator of masochism or anyone else afraid of the remedy of the disease. It is clear that pain and suffering of the McCanns was not acute enough for them to do anything about it for at least a year. And in January this year organized and attended a dinner in society, being photographed in the company of a variety of personalities TV. A £ 150 per head, this particular meeting was a fundraising event, not a vehicle to relieve pain and suffering, of which there has been no public sign at all since the McCann "exceeded" the first 48 hours much less since the publication of A Verdade da Mentira.

Question: Ms. Duarte, could you quantify, or at least give evidence of pain and suffering experienced by their clients as a direct result of the material discussed in the paper published by Dr . Amaral?

No? Then move on to the "fundamental fact" number three:

Gonçalo Amaral's book has hampered the search for Madeleine

The search for something lost carries a connotation transitive. Apart from the person or object sought are the locations searched. It involves an active effort by someone. We can remember, almost ad nauseum , to seek, in these terms, is something that the McCanns have failed to complete. We also know that their various research mercenaries have been negligent in this regard. Not so the large number of Portuguese and others who dedicated their time and energy to this task immediately after protests from the McCanns on the night of May 3, 2007. They "looked" fine.

So, are you worried that the McCann Amaral is somehow inhibiting the actions of those who have done their part? Should the good people, having searched in vain for a time, search again? If so, how often? The McCanns, as we know, maintained a team of staff whose job is to find, coordinate research and raise money to fund the search, none of which would have been deterred in any way by derogatory comments written in a foreign language. "He who pays the piper ..." and all that. Perhaps saying "search" McCann actually try to describe the actions of countless citizens applied throughout the world who might be inclined to keep a watchful eye to a girl that looks like the description of Madeleine and could possibly be her. If so, then we're not talking about a search in itself, but to adopt a behavior that would not be influenced by the opinion of a third person in any language.

Consider, if you will, a bizarre analogy: A hypothetical computer-style type "Indiana Jones" believed to be only a few clues to discover the Holy Grail, when it appears Dan Brown , author of The Da Vinci Code and explain in writing why they are all wasting our time, for the Holy Grail is not really a drinking vessel after all. So for a man, the intrepid archaeologists abandon the search. Having invested time, money and energy in pursuit of their prey, they leave their tools and go home, because it says Dan Brown. Really? What if one or the other eventually discover, in an inappropriate place, a cup that fits the description he or she is the Holy Grail, it is likely that person will "dispose of as the Holy Grail" because it contradicts the theory Dan Brown? Similarly, if someone found a girl with a visible coloboma in his right eye and one by the name of Maddie ("She hated it when we called so" - KM) based on the completely ignore the opinion of Gonçalo Amaral? Remember that life is a girl we are talking about.

Question (We've been here): Ms. Duarte, could you please quantify or provide evidence of how much has been hampered the search for Madeleine for the work published by Mr. Amaral?

right? So why on earth has been called the Court? This man give it back to his books and stop wasting our time! And while it simply review his own career goals (A Plan B might be useful).

Mercedes Translation

* Cloud cuckoo land : Refers to a state unrealistic, idealistic, where everything is perfect. Suggests that the person in question is naive, ignorant of reality or disrupted by maintaining that optimistic belief.


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