Madeleine McCann Case: Inside Out - The Madeleine Foundation McCann Files Inside
Out - The Madeleine Foundation BBC East Midlands
progrm delivered Monday, November 22, 2010 Transcript
By Nigel Moore
Marie Ashby: [to camera] Hello. Tonight, "Stresses Out" is in Rothley, in Leicestershire, to ask: "Who is the Madeleine Foundation?"
[voiceover] The parents of missing three years say they only increase their distress.
Kate McCann: [image file] There is a certain group out there that ... in fact this is his work, is to choose a vulnerable family and I am sure that after we pass to another family.
Marie Ashby: [voiceover]: And the people digging their own broadband network.
: This town will be transformed from a place that has a broadband connection that is not suitable for its purpose, in fact not available, to be literally the people with broadband nation's fastest
Marie Ashby: [to camera]: It has been described as "a club for psychopaths" that vile pamphlets. Its members insist they are only trying to find out what happened to Madeleine McCann. But parents say the small flame disappeared "Madeleine Foundation" is hampering the search for her daughter and increasing their anxiety. Simon Hare has been investigating.
Simon Hare: [to camera]: Well, it's Saturday afternoon and most people are busy enjoying their weekend. But somewhere, here in Nottingham, met a group of people to talk about Madeleine McCann case.
[phone] Hello, Simon ...
[voiceover]: The secrecy surrounding what has been billed as the annual conference of the self-Madeleine Foundation. They said that I can attend but I await news about the location. They told me to go to a hotel that offers conference facilities but this turns out to be only a meeting place. Then I moved to the true place: a place in this village of Nuthall. One member made some photos, including one by me. The President, Greville Green, Nottingham happy to be portrayed and the secretary of the organization and co-founder, Tony Bennett, is willing to promote his new book, consisting of selected excerpts from the case process.
[a camera] There were nineteen people at the meeting. I was told had come from across the country and a couple even had come from northern France. They did not want to enter the camera but I allowed me to sit there and take notes. Discussed many aspects of the McCann case and also sold me a copy of his new book. But for the moment I get closer to understanding exactly what's going on Madeleine Foundation.
Anne Davies: [image file] Well, among those reporters was Simon Hare, for East Midlands Today. He joins us from Portugal. Simon, can ...
Simon Hare: [voice-over archive images]: But I do know something about the Madeleine McCann case ...
[image file]: Good night, Anne, yes ...
[voiceover]: ... I was part of East Midlands Today team covering the events in Portugal. I interviewed the McCanns in Praia da Luz ...
Kate McCann: [image file] Actually gives you great power, really, to see everyone in town is, you know, give us your support and love and everything.
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: And three months later I was in Portimão, when they were made official suspects.
[a camera, stock footage]: The crowd of spectators, hundreds of people have appeared, many of whom booed when Kate McCann arrived ...
[voiceover]: A result, in largely due to this man. The Portuguese detective, Gonçalo Amaral.
Gonçalo Amaral: [speaking in Portuguese]
Simon Hare: [voice over]: But the case was dismissed in 2008, McCann saw their status as a suspect was removed.
Kate McCann: [archive footage]: We welcome the news today, but no cause for celebration.
Simon Hare: [voice over]: They won damages for defamation for some of the rough items they had engaged the press. A year later, covers other, thanks to the Madeleine Foundation.
Anne Davies: [archive footage]: The people living in the hometown of Madeleine McCann say they are disgusted of being subjected to a campaign to reopen the case against their parents.
TV presenter: [image file]: A group that says it wants "Justice for Madeleine" say they believe she was not abducted. Has been sending hundreds of leaflets in the area asking for support.
Simon Hare: [voice over]: They handed out 150 leaflets in the houses of the McCanns 'own neighborhood, repeating the now discredited theory that Madeleine had Amaral death in her parents' holiday apartment and that they had covered.
Reporter: [image file]: Now the people of Rothley, who spoke to us today, say they are horrified.
Villager: [image file]: It is absolutely disgusting. I think, personally.
locals: [image file]: I just think it's sad and sick that people have nothing better to do with their time.
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: I find the four people who distributed pamphlets that day, including Debbie Butler, the former president of the Foundation and co-founder that appears on the BBC to justify their actions.
Debbie Butler: [image file]: It is a nationwide campaign. We need to leave flyers in as many doors as possible ...
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: It has since had a falling out with Tony Bennett and is no longer a member of the Foundation but agreed to meet me near her home in Kent.
Debbie Butler: Mr. Bennett decided that we would go to that area, I'd never been there. He did. I learned that he had been there before. Errm ... I knew where we were. I was driving. Grenville Green and his wife Helene Davies went with us. We visited the farm to which Kate had taken the children and lunch is something there. Mr. Bennett handed out flyers there, alone, and instructed me that I deliver leaflets in the area near where the McCanns live. Errm ... what I did with Helene. And then he told me to deliver leaflets in your street, something I did. I was doing but Helene Helene Helene ... just ... I started shaking the legs and would not, so I did. Of course not left a brochure in your home (the McCanns).
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: Tony Bennett denies that he told Debbie Butler what he had to do that day. But both subsequently were sued by lawyers for the McCanns and in November of last year, Mr. Bennett assured the Supreme Tribuna not distribute brochures or lose more than fifty thousand pounds and even go to jail for contempt of court.
[Video of Tony Bennett and preparing a cart carrying a booth to distribute leaflets in Bristol, with background music:
"Pack up your troubles in your old backpack
And bury them underwater
I do not care what people may say
what people may say about me ... "]
Tony Bennett: [distributing a brochure to an audience member] ... on the, errr ... Madeleine McCann case.
Simon Hare: [voice over]: But this summer, Tony Bennett was distributing a new brochure.
Tony Bennett: [distributing a brochure to a member of the public]. Good morning, thank you very much.
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: It has come to Bristol for what was billed as "Awareness Day Gonçalo Amaral." Is accompanied by another member of the Foundation which is a bit embarrassing for the camera.
[The camera tries unsuccessfully to burn the person who hides behind a column]
Simon Hare: [off camera]: Are you hiding? Okay, I'll turn this side of the column. You are turning this side of ...
Receiver Brochure 1: [Tony Bennett]: There are some evil people in this world ...
Tony Bennett: Yes, there are some evil people.
Receiver Brochure 1: ... very evil. You know, I know what to say. I just think that has been stolen ...
Booklet 2 Receiver: [Tony Bennett]: There is a conspiracy theory about everything, right?
Tony Bennett: [to audience member]: True, true, yeah, many things about 9 / 11, yes, yes, I ... yes, there is ... no, I mean ...
[ Simon Hare]: People think we're representing the McCann somehow.
Simon Hare: Do not you worry about that?
Tony Bennett: errm ... actually, no, because it is an opportunity to explain to people, errm ... what we are doing and that there is ... a great mystery at the heart of this case.
Women in lane 1: I would not say in public what I thought it would be sued.
Tony Bennett: [to an older couple]: The NSPCC said that, errm ... you should never, let alone children of that age, even for thirty seconds ...
older man: No matter where you are ... The only place where you are sure ...
Woman: Anyway, I think nobody had the right to take it.
Tony Bennett: [a woman] No, no, no, no, that's true.
[off camera]: No doubt people will read this booklet as it passed through the village.
[to camera]: Not a single person has come to protest at all and say it's outrageous / egregious.
Simon Hare: [voice over]: But in the afternoon, there are some hostile reactions.
Female adolescent
1: It just seems a bit hard to start a campaign against it when there ... if you are abducted, are clearly struggling, coping with grief.
Tony Bennett: The question is. If she was abducted.
Female adolescent
2: And you believe at all that what you are doing is disrespectful?
Tony Bennett: errm ... I call it disrespectful.
Female adolescent
2: I will not read because I think it's a bit sick and very disrespectful, so ...
Tony Bennett: Okay. No matter.
Adolescent Male: I think it's a bit distasteful.
Women in lane 2: I have a daughter two years old, so you know, if I had ... if I had lost my daughter, well ... that woman, I ... I do not want to think that someone was saying that, in the street.
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: A few days later, after having delivered hundreds of copies, go to the application of the McCann's lawyers not to distribute this latest brochure. They would not talk to us about Tony Bennett's campaign, but on the third anniversary of the disappearance of Madeleine, Gerry and Kate McCann seemed to allude to the Foundation.
Lorraine Kelly: [image file]: You know, even today, some people are convinced that something had to do with it. How on earth is faced with that?
Kate McCann: [image file]: I think, I mean, I think that has changed. Errm ... I certainly do not have the same level of criticism before and even then, to be fair, in fact, was a minority. I think most people even if, you know, you do not agree with ... with, you know, what we did, did not seem right or just increase our suffering. But having said that, I mean, I think now only a small minority and you know there is a certain group out there that ... in fact his work, is to choose a vulnerable family and I'm sure that after we changed to another family.
Simon Hare: [off camera] I think he meant to you!
Tony Bennett: I did not hear that. I do not know if he meant to us or ... or not, but, errm ... we're focusing on this particular case. Errm ... I ... my focus is on the truth. The other members and supporters of the Madeleine Foundation is exactly the same. I have no history of persecuting people. Err ...
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: Earlier, Tony Bennett tried and failed to pursue an indictment against the McCanns for child neglect.
In 2006, he tried to organize a private prosecution against Michael Barrymore in connection with the night he died Stewart Lubbock at the home of TV presenter. Another high profile case in the center of media frenzy.
Tony Bennett was released by direct action on the conversion of signs.
Tony Bennett: [image file]: Most people do not want to see miles and meters in their signals.
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: A cause that made a lot of followers.
Female Voice: [off camera]: A little bit louder as if you ... There you go.
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: He began to remove road signs to campaign for the reintroduction of the old county boundaries.
Tony Bennett: [image file]: I think most of the public would like to see these signs. "Welcome to Lancashire" in the right border of Lancashire.
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: Unlike some of his colleagues he Madeleine Foundation seem to like the cameras and the visibility. Last year could be clearly seen sitting behind Gerry McCann, while testifying before the Parliamentary Subcommittee on Press and Privacy. Tony Bennett later published on the Internet ...
Voice actor: [, archive] was to send a silent message: We are looking over your shoulder, watching what he and his team are saying. Watching them.
Gerry McCann: [image file]: I think it's a matter of responsibility and report truths, innuendo and not making it appear as facts specializations.
Women: [image file]: I wonder how some of them can live with themselves.
Tony Bennett: [to Simon Hare]: If it is true that she was kidnapped then we are increasing their anxiety.
Simon Hare: [off camera]: And that .. Do you mind that? I mean, you're a parent, you grandfather.
Tony Bennett: errm ... I ... I am convinced that there are still questions to be answered, and ... and, errr .. as I say, and I must be careful what I say, but I question his ... his version of events and, errr ... if in fact Madeleine was abducted, as well ... like many other people.
Simon Hare: [off camera]: But I do not know what happened, I do not know what happened ...
Tony Bennett: No, I do not know.
Simon Hare: [off camera]: ... and only those responsible really know what happened ...
Tony Bennett: Yes, I agree, this according ... so I do not know what happened, so we can not say, errm ... you know, why can not we ... I mean, after all, if I wrong about something, if we are wrong in our website, errr ... errors may be challenged and refuted easily, right?
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: Internet is full of forums and messages about Madeleine. Some of these sites have been threats of violence towards the McCanns and their family home here in Rothley. Inside Out believes that the police have been involved in the past. The people who post on these forums are described as "pro" and "anti" McCann. Those related to the Madeleine Foundation have also been threatened.
Debbie Butler: At twelve o'clock rang phone and, errr ... I said before I stab my son, right in the heart. Call the police. Errm ... I've had other threats.
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: The Madeleine Foundation has come to London. More cards being delivered to both the Portuguese and the British government.
Tony Bennett: [to a police officer off-camera]: Then what happens? We call the door, someone is collected? Okay, yes.
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: The last brochure I agreed to stop distributing made a comeback.
Tony Bennett: Well, we, errr ... rethought about it and we see no reason why we should not distribute it. We were not threatened with a libel suit or anything. We have, errm ... three months ago we made the decision not to distribute it, but I reconsidered and we see no reason why we should not do, especially the birthday of Gonçalo Amaral.
Simon Hare: [voice over]: But in July, the McCann's lawyers, Carter Ruck, had threatened to bring Tony Bennett back to the Supreme Court. Your letter believed that the former attorney appeared not understanding how the laws of defamation.
Madeleine Foundation Member of: [to audience member]: So, if you want more information, our data are in the back.
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: I said that also persecute any other member of the Foundation to deliver the pamphlets.
But the two remaining dispatchers have not been to London. Grenville Green and his wife, Helene Davies-Green, have been discharged from the committee of the Foundation after she was described by The Sun as a "psychopath" distributing "flyers vile."
Helene Davies-Green: Helene Davies-Green: (preparing mushrooms in the kitchen): Most people avoid this because some are poisonous ...
Simon Hare: [voiceover]: was back to public scrutiny to stand as candidate for UKIP in the general election.
Helene Davies-Green: Apparently throwing the odd insult does not violate its code of conduct. Simon Hare
: [voiceover]: It is an example of freedom of expression does not like her husband. Earlier this year, Grenville Green went to Portugal to attend the hearing on the controversial book of Gonçalo Amaral.
Why am I here? There is freedom of expression right? If someone has a different opinion to another, errr ... should not have, errr ... cercarte and lots of money to shut you up, silence you, if you have a different opinion. So here I am. There is freedom of speech, freedom of expression. Simon Hare
[Gonçalo Amaral, archive images]: Is your book harming the McCanns?
Gonçalo Amaral: [asked to repeat the question]
Simon Hare: Is your book harming the McCanns?
Gonçalo Amaral: Ask McCann.
Grenville Green: [to Simon Hare]: This man is a hero, is a kind of Robin Hood today. It's like a fight between David and Goliath. If something is right, you know is right. If something is wrong, you know is wrong.
Tony Bennett: [to Simon Hare]: There will always be those who believe in the version of the McCann and I consider my, errr ... evil and perverted by what I do. Moreover, there are those who have legitimate questions and fully support what we do. Simon Hare
: [voiceover]: Earlier this month, the McCanns launched an online petition asking that the investigation into the disappearance her daughter was subjected to an independent review.
Gerry McCann: [image file]: There is absolutely no evidence that Madeleine has been seriously damaged, without that, we believe that we can still find it. Errm ... is difficult, we know, so we are asking for help and need support, the authorities must do more.
Last week, the McCann revealed they are writing their own book. In a statement on its website, Kate McCann said: "My reason for writing is simple, to provide a version of the truth / to account for the truth." Like the GM interview for TV, I can not help feeling that it was directed in part to the Madeleine Foundation.
Mercedes Translation
ITEM: Here is a new example of how to inform the British media about the McCann case.
demonstrate to them how important they are and NOT Madeleine McCann. So it seems they agree that research was NOT "independent" because they support a review of what has been done. They should remember that the research was conducted by researchers from a democratic country (Portugal) supported by researchers and experts from another country, allegedly democratic (United Kingdom). They should also remember that those who should do more to support research are the parents and friends, not governments. They may begin to clarify once and for all existing inconsistencies evident in their statements and may return to Portugal to participate in the official reconstruction of events that is still doing because they refuse to perform or is this the concept of support research to find her daughter?
The other day a follower of the theory McCann told me on the Tweeter that the reconstruction was set to "incriminate" parents and their friends and so refuse to do it but how can prepare a reconstruction of events based on official statements of those involved, to incriminate someone? The only case that could end "indicted" is if you have lied in those statements and this reconstruction proves it Is not this the real reason for their refusal?
Mr. Hare, I finished this translation went straight to the mirror to look at me well and I have no horns or tail. What I have is an IQ enough to understand that the McCanns and their friends are hiding the truth, enough IQ to understand that McCann have not done even half the effort to help the employee research to raise funds to continue paying the fees of large law firms and agencies specializing in image IQ enough to see that the suspects allegedly detectives hired to find Madeleine have done absolutely nothing but the deed of parents and deceive the general public, thus participating in the big scam being committed to raise money for a good cause and then spend it on a single concept of these statutes "support the family "not to" Madeleine Beth McCann. "
A Judge Hogg would say I hope you sleep well at night because SHE is the biggest culprit of Madeleine, his protege, not getting the justice he deserves. She has the power to audit the fund to "search" why not? Here I CI proves insufficient, I am unable to understand.